Tangoe Telecom SOAP API

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Invalid structure of the SOAP request

If the provided request message is not in accordance to the XSD document, a SOAP fault message (message validation error) is received as request. This means all compulsory elements (according to XSD schema) of the request must be provided and the data must be of the correct type.

For instance, if addInventoryItem() web method is called the fault message appears if any of the following are true:

  • the structure of the AddInventoryItemRequest object is not as defined in the XSD;
  • at least one of the following parameters is not provided: serviceTypeID, inventoryNumber.
  • an invalid data type is provided for an element - e.g. status element, which is boolean has a string value different from β€˜true’ or β€˜false’

Invalid data for an element of the request

For elements that accept only particular values, if invalid data is provided, an error code and message will be returned in the _ActionResult _object of the response.

Operation error

An operation error may occur if the execution of a database operation fails or if the database raises an error. The content of this error will be provided to the user as part of the ActionResult object of the response.

ActionResult object

For successful operations the content of ActionResult object is:

  • code - zero (0);
  • message - OK.

For successful operations the content of ActionResult object is:

  • code – negative one (-1);
  • message – an explicative message describing what caused the error.
